Removing Black Mould From Silicone Sealant

Have you noticed some black mould forming  on the top of your silicone sealant? It doesn’t form from the silicone itself, rather it forms on top of it with the moisture around the silicone; your tube must be exposed to moisture. You might think this is a minor issue but it can ruin your silicone or cause your family health issues if it’s used. Don’t take any chances, learn how to clean mould off bathroom sealant by reading the article below. 

8 Steps to Remove Mould From Silicone Sealant

When you notice black mould on your silicone sealant you need to clean it off quickly and properly. Black Mould can cause your silicone to work improperly or render it useless. It can also be damaging to you and your families health. The good news is, removing black mould from your silicone is quite easy if you know how. Read on to find out. 

Step 1: Use a baking soda solution 

The first thing you want to do is to create a paste using baking soda. Baking soda is an excellent, cheap, and convenient material to use. Mixed with water or bleach it is very corrosive and perfect for removing black mould. Add two or three teaspoons of baking soda to one cup of bleach and mix until you have a paste. 

Step 2: Scoop put the paste 

When the baking soda is mixed with the bleach it will be highly toxic and corrosive. It recommended that you wear a mask and goggles when working with this substance, and overalls if you have them. You will also want to wear latex gloves. Using a piece of cloth scoop out a small piece of paste. 

Step 3: Apply paste to mould 

You should now have a piece of cloth with some paste on the end and be fully protected with your mask, goggles and latex gloves. It’s best to work in a garage or shed with this substance as it can smell strongly and interfere with your home life. Input the garage you also have easy access to the silicone. Apply the paste to the affected black mould area. 

Step 4: Let the paste settle 

It’s tempting to rub the paste on and expect instant results, but it doesn’t work like that. The baking soda and bleach mixture is portent but it needs some time to settle on the black mould and do its work. Apply the paste and leave it for five minutes. It’s also a good idea to wrap the silicone in plastic wrap to hold in the moisture.

Step 5: Scrub off the paste 

After five or ten minutes the paste on the black mould should have softened in sufficiently. Return to the shed after you mug of coffee and put your protective gear back on. Take off the plastic wrap and use a hand Bruce with some bristles on the end to remove the black mould. Try to work quickly as the bleach can damage the brush bristles. 

Step 6: Rinse off the sealant 

When you have finished brushing off the black mould you are almost finished with the project. There are only a few more steps to go before you have silicone that’s free from black mould and ready to use. The next step is to use some cool water to sponge and rinse the sealant Remove any last traces of the black mould. 

Step 7: Repeat as necessary 

Sometimes black mould on silicone can be persistent. It’s in the nature of silicone to be tough and resilient so you will have to meet that challenge with some elbow grease. Look closely at the end of your silicone and repeat the process between four and six times to make sure you have removed all of the black mould  it should then be ready to use. 

Step 8: Rinse and dry 

Finally you have removed all the black mould from your silicone. Your Silicone is safe again and ready to use. But before you put it away  back in your tool kit, remember to dry it off with a clean dry cloth or towel. This is an important final stage that is often overlooked by those wanting to finish up the job and go inside. Drying the silicone prevents any more mould from forming. 

Contact GT Sealants for Professional Assistance

If you follow the steps above on how to remove mould from sealant, you should have a tube of silicone free from black mould. This is good news for the health of you and your family, and for your pocket. However if you have any concerns about removing black mould, how to get rid of mould in shower silicone or how to remove mould from silicone: contact GT Sealants.