Venting Moving Fumes

Compressed Air Amplifiers are also called “Air Movers” for a reason – they can be used for moving a large volume of air. For examples, a properly designed 2″ Air Amplifier will amplify approximately 15 times the input air supply. That means it “moves” from the suction side 15-1 = 14 times the air consumption. That is a decent amount of air! This lends itself to venting applications.

Where they tend to be used, is where it is sensible to sue compressed air instead of electrically operated venting units. Past applications include:

  1. Boosting Suction on Fume Removal Systems – large multi station fume extracting stations, if not designed properly or even if they are, if station equipment is moved around due to production changes, may result in some stations not having enough vacuum to draw in fumes due to pressure drop at the entrance. An air amplifie at the entrance can overcome that pressure loss.
  2. Welding Robots – when welding, fumes are produced on robots and compact size and light weight of the air amplifiers makes it ideal to use to draw away the fumes produced by the welding that could interfere with sensors or otherwise impair the process.
  3. Clear the Steam in Quenching – in the steel industry where water is used to quench or cool produces a great amount of steam when water is poured onto the metal. This interferes with sensors and visual observation of the process. Well places air amplifiers draw away the steam.
  4. Cooling Personnel – when personnel have to work in hot areas, and space is an issue, the compact portability of the air amplifiers is ideal to have them cool.

Air Amplifiers are light weight, compact and portable so any application where that can be an advantage is ideal for their use, especially if the use is intermittent minimizing the real energy cost of compressed air.

Nex Flow Air Products producing air amplifiers and other air amplification technology for venting, blow off, cooling and moving.