The Steps You Need To Follow In Ordering Bespoke Fasteners

Most manufacturers these days will try to ensure that they use easily available fasteners such as cap nuts for their needs. However, there are certain times when the regular fasteners might not be adequate for your needs. In such cases, it’s often necessary to try and get custom made ones. This gives you an opportunity […]

Most manufacturers these days will try to ensure that they use easily available fasteners such as cap nuts for their needs. However, there are certain times when the regular fasteners might not be adequate for your needs.
In such cases, it’s often necessary to try and get custom made ones. This gives you an opportunity to specify parameters such as the dimensions of the fasteners as well as the materials used to make them, so that you end up with ones that are perfect for your needs. In order to do this, you will often need to follow a few basic steps including:

Define your requirements
If you want to order custom made fasteners such as bespoke hex nuts, this is one of the most important steps in the process, and you should therefore give it the attention that it requires. Remember, when you submit your requirements to a high quality fastener manufacturer, they will undoubtedly follow all your instructions to the letter. If you end up making even minor mistakes, you will end up wasting a lot of time and money.
You should therefore go through this process very carefully, and preferably with the backing of some skill. For instance, you may need to find a high quality engineer to help you define the specifications you need from the fasteners, so that you end up with exactly what you need.
Consult your distributor
If you have not done so, you should then consider finding out if your fastener distributor has the types of fasteners you are interested in. In some cases, you will find that they do, which means that you would not need to worry about spending too much time or money having them made by the manufacturer. Of course, you would need to consult a reputable distributor for this.
Have a few samples made
If it’s apparent that the fasteners will need to be bespoke, you should then consider ordering a few samples before having all of them made. This will give you an opportunity to test them to find out if they actually fit your needs, and if the manufacturer can produce the quality you are looking for. It’s important to subject such samples to the conditions they are going to work in to find out if they can actually work. If you had made a mistake in specifying how they should be made, this is the step that will help you figure this out.
Order the rest of them
Once you have gone through all the above, you can then confidently order all the fasteners you need made to the specifications you want. By following each of the steps above, you will be in a better position to get good value for money and avoid wasting money needlessly.
To ensure that you spend as little time as possible with the above, you should make a point of always working with high quality contractors throughout. For instance, the engineers you use to come up with the specifications would need to be subject matter specialists in order for you to get the best out of them.