Keep Your 4th Fun (and Safe) | Tools

Keep Your 4th Fun (and Safe)

This weekend is the 4th of July and with that comes barbeques, celebrations and of course, fireworks. The tradition of shooting off fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July dates back centuries, to 1776 to be exact. While fireworks are used to celebrate many an occasion today, the 4th is still the holiday that garners the most pyrotechnic displays (the Macy’s 4th of July fireworks display is the largest in the country, in case you were curious). With fireworks however come risks, so today we’re looking at how to keep yourself safe while celebrating. In reading these tips please remember: only use fireworks if they are legal where you live!

-Never point fireworks at another person – Pretty straightforward, but make sure when using fireworks they are pointed away from people, pets or anything that could be damaged.

-Use protective eyewear and gloves – While using fireworks, give yourself as much protection as possible. If they are to malfunction while you are lighting them, you want to make sure that your hands and eyes, two of the most vulnerable parts of your body, are covered.

-Do not try to re-light malfunctioning fireworks – If you can’t get a firework lit or it doesn’t go off properly, don’t keep trying to light it. This puts you in danger because you don’t know how it is going to go off once lit. Put said firework to the side and see the next tip.

-Soak spent and unused fireworks in water for a few hours – Fireworks can still be dangerous unlit or after they’ve been used. Before throwing them away, soak them in water to ensure that they are deactivated and don’t pose any risk of igniting in the garbage.

-Keep a bucket of water nearby – Not just for the tip above, but just incase there is a spark that causes some sort of fire, keep a bucket of water on hand so you can quickly extinguish and flame and keep it from getting out of hand.

-NEVER use illegal fireworks – Again a very straightforward tip, but please only use fireworks that are safe and legal where you live. If they are illegal to buy, it is for a reason.

Hopefully, these tips will help keep you and your family safe this holiday weekend. How are you celebrating the 4th? Let us know and share your photos with us on social media!