(Last Updated On: February 13, 2023)

The price of a hydraulic torque wrench ranges from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. If you want to know how much a hydraulic torque wrench costs? We can analyze the following 4 points.

1. Material of hydraulic wrench:

The current mainstream materials are steel and aluminum-titanium alloy materials. The prices of these two materials are quite different. Aluminum-titanium alloy materials are much more expensive than steel, so aluminum-titanium alloy hydraulic wrenches are more expensive than steel hydraulic wrenches. The advantages of aluminum-titanium alloy hydraulic wrenches are lightweight and high strength, but the steel one is relatively cumbersome, which is very inconvenient for the operator. This is why aluminum-titanium alloy hydraulic wrenches are more popular.

2. Core component materials:

Such as sealing rings, solenoid valves, etc. These core parts are imported and domestic, and the prices are also very different. Imported ones are often much more expensive than domestic ones. Domestically produced, although cheap, often have problems such as oil leakage and heat generation. However, the use of imported components will reduce the occurrence of these problems, and at the same time increase the service life of the hydraulic wrench. So TorcStark hydraulic wrench has been using imported core components to produce hydraulic wrench.

3. Matching hydraulic wrench pump:

There are many types of hydraulic wrench pumps, and the price of each class is different—for example, manual pumps, manual reversing electric hydraulic pumps, secondary pumps, and tertiary pumps. Hand pumps are the cheapest, but are slower to operate and are suitable when there is no power on site. Manually reversing the electric hydraulic pump is very troublesome to operate, and it has to be manually reversed every time, which is basically eliminated now. Now many suppliers are still selling this hydraulic wrench pump in order to reflect their price advantage. At present, the mainstream is the secondary pump and the tertiary pump, which do not need manual reversing and directly use solenoid valves to achieve reversing. The difference between the two is that the three-stage pump is faster than the two-stage pump.

4. The service difference provided by the brand:

Before sales, TorcStark can send technicians to the customer site to measure and record the actual data. Realize one-to-one service for customers and respond to user needs in a timely manner. After sales, TorcStark dispatches technicians to the site for training and guidance. If the product fails, it will be the first time to call and video guide. If the problem cannot be solved, it will be sent back to the manufacturer for repair. If the time is very tight, we can also take the way of delivery to shorten the waiting time of customers.

The above four points determine the status quo of hydraulic wrenches on the market

1. Model: low-profile, driven

2. Application industry: wind power, oil field, steam turbine counter-wheel, converter, petrochemical plant

4. Configuration scheme: 1 for 2, 1 for 4, 1 for 8

5. Available bolts: M60, M80, M30, M36, M24, M33, M52

6. Available nuts: s52, s62, s15, s56, s64, s34, s77, etc.

I believe everyone will be wondering why you can’t find a specific hydraulic torque wrench on the Internet, how much is it? Because the user is not familiar with the usage of the hydraulic torque wrench and cannot match a suitable model, a specific quotation cannot be given. The following is the quotation table for the TorcStark hydraulic wrench, if you want to buy a hydraulic wrench, it can be used as a reference.

ProductName Model Torque (Nm) Price ($)
Drive Hydraulic Wrenches 1 MXTD 185-1852 1142
2 MXTD 302-3017 1427
3 MXTD 436-4364 1522
5 MXTD 779-7789 1903
8 MXTD 1072-10715 2379
10 MXTD 1553-15528 2664
15 MXTD 2050-20501 2931
20 MXTD 2617-26171 3521
25 MXTD 3493-34928 4377
35 MXTD 4963-49627 4948
45 MXTD 5912-59123 6661
50 MXTD 7032-70315 8565
Low-profile Hydraulic Wrenches 2 KLCD 237-2370 951
3 KLCD 345-3446 1142
4 KLCD 546-5458 1408
8 KLCD 1055-10550 1903
14 KLCD 1848-18484 2664
18 KLCD 2481-24814 2855
20 KLCD 2909-29089 3235
30 KLCD 4231-42311 3616
40 KLCD 5209-52088 5139
Low-profile Hydraulic Wrenches 1 WHCD 233-2326 1142
3 WHCD 345-3446 1427
4 WHCD 540-5399 1674
6 WHCD 769-7691 1960
8 WHCD 1212-12116 2284
15 WHCD 1992-19919 3197
25 WHCD 3363-33629 3882
30 WHCD 4377
35 WHCD 5358-53851 6090
50 WHCD 7522-75221 8565
Drive Hydraulic Wrenches 3 BXTD 485-4847 951
8 BXTD 1071-10712 1332
10 BXTD 1512-15121 1522
15 BXTD 2013-20130 1903
20 BXTD 2909-29089 2474
25 BXTD 3679-36795 3045
45 BXTD 6058-60582 3806
60 BXTD 8440-84403 5710
85 BXTD 12017-120176 7613
120 BXTD 15936-159355 9516
150 BXTD 13323
180 BXTD 15226
210 BXTD 17130
Hydraulic Wrenches 4JND 4187
8JND 5139
Front Hydraulic Wrenches 1AXT 2284
3AXT 3045
5AXT 3806
8AXT 4758
10AXT 5519
Roll Change Hydraulic Wrench HLCD 2284