Hopper loading with compressed air

An efficient application for compressed air operated venturi’s like Nex Flow’s Ring Vac units ( see www.nexflow.com) is hopper loading. Whether it’s loading resin for a plastic molding process, or a hopper of bottle caps for a bottling machine or capping machine, such units have the following benefits:

Energy efficient because they are instant on-off using compressed air only when loading. Overall energy use is small.
Instant on-off also means immediate usage. Electric blower systems have to be started up, reach a steady state, then convey, then wind down – taking more time and energy.
Compact – significantly less footprint
Less noise in use
Virtually no maintenance
Some companies actually produce loading system incorporating venturi’s with level sensing feedback systems to start and stop the loading process as necessary.

One example where such systems can save is in loading caps into a hopper feeding a capping system. Often caps are loaded manually from small boxes. If the caps are purchased in larger containers (lowing cost), the venturi systems can load the caps quickly and with much less effort and time.

If you have any questions on utilizing compressed air for blow off, cooling, moving or drying, please ask.