Clean Cutting is Precise Cutting

Clean Cutting is Precise Cutting

Considering we deal in some of the smallest parts and pieces in the machining world, we fully understand that your results will be only as strong as your weakest link. For instance, in precision work, a single chip landing in the wrong spot or a small buildup of particulate can throw off a whole operation or damage your tooling and machine mechanics.

HSK Spindle Cleaner

Luckily, there are affordable accessories that help prevent some of these expensive doomsday scenarios. This week, we focus in on two that make it easy to get your spindle and tooling in the best condition to perform exactly as desired over and over. After all, your machine may have been installed last week, but if these connections—where the rubber meets the road if you will—aren’t pure, hitting those tight tolerances and shimmering finishes won’t happen.

Spindle Cleaners
To operate correctly, machine spindles must be kept clean. Spindle accuracy has a direct effect on the accuracy and rigidity of the machine tool. Any particles or contamination that gathers between the two mating surfaces will begin to grind and cause the surfaces to wear away, weakening the fit and severely impacting machine accuracy. Spindle cleaners help maintain spindle precision and prolong the life of the machine tools, cutting tools and toolholders.

Tool Holder Taper Cleaner

Tool Holder Taper and Bore Cleaners
Unlike spindles, which operate within the controlled environment of a machine, tool holders can also be exposed to many pollutants inside a shop. During storage and between uses, tool holders run a high risk of picking up oils, dust and other particles that can contaminate their surfaces—besides of course the coolant and chips from inside the machine. Taper and bore cleaners come in many styles and sizes to match all types of tooling.

The most common taper cleaners are for HSK and V-flange shanks, and multiple bore cleaner designs exist for uses in shrink fit tool holder bores, milling chuck bores and for the internal tapers of collet chucks. It is especially important to clean the intricate clamping surfaces and geometries of your expensive tooling systems.

Collet Bore Cleaner

All our cleaners have the following features:

  • Cleaning strips will maintain adhesion to the mating surface during scrubbing action
  • Sturdy construction with high oil and grease resistance
  • Plastic injection molded core with fluted location for cleaning strips
  • Cleaning strips positioned at well-spaced intervals to remove even large residual particles

We offer cleaners for almost all of the most common spindle, tool holder and taper shapes. View our accessories catalog for detailed specs and sizing.

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