Speed Rivets: What They Are And When To Use Them

When thinking of fastening, most people automatically picture products such as titanium hex head cap screws and Nitronic 60 lock nuts. However, one method of fastening that you might not be familiar with is the use of rivets. Though they are thought of as being old fashioned, rivets are still a very important part of […]

speed rivet fasteners
When thinking of fastening, most people automatically picture products such as titanium hex head cap screws and Nitronic 60 lock nuts. However, one method of fastening that you might not be familiar with is the use of rivets. Though they are thought of as being old fashioned, rivets are still a very important part of most industries in this day and age. This means that when you are interested in fastening, you should not discount them simply because they seem old fashioned.

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Safety Features Of A Flyover Bridge

Having a flyover bridge has many benefits. One of the most important of these is the fact that it makes it easier for pedestrians to cross a particular road with ease. This is very important particularly in very wide or very busy highways, where installing zebra crossings might not make sense, or might put the […]

Having a flyover bridge has many benefits. One of the most important of these is the fact that it makes it easier for pedestrians to cross a particular road with ease. This is very important particularly in very wide or very busy highways, where installing zebra crossings might not make sense, or might put the pedestrians at risk. In such cases, the use of such a bridge will make it easier for people to cross the bridge with ease.
If you are designing one, one of the principal things you need to keep in mind is how safe it will be. Remember, most people will only use such a bridge if it looks safe. If it ends up causing accidents such as by collapsing, this could result in lawsuits against the city that is responsible for it, or the individual who was responsible for designing it in the first place. To avoid this, it’s important to keep in mind the features that such a bridge should have in order to make it as safe as possible. Some of the most important ones include:

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Are You Trying To Remove A Rusty Fastener?

Regardless of whether it’s found on a vehicle, a commercial equipment, industrial tool or even a system made of various types of steel and iron, rusty screws and nuts will inevitably cause delays. While your first instinct might be to force it out of the socket, you should stop immediately when you notice the fastener […]

Regardless of whether it’s found on a vehicle, a commercial equipment, industrial tool or even a system made of various types of steel and iron, rusty screws and nuts will inevitably cause delays. While your first instinct might be to force it out of the socket, you should stop immediately when you notice the fastener won’t budge. Forcing it out does not only present the risk of snapping off the bolt, but you can also make matters worse, particularly if you’re not familiar with how the machine or equipment works. To remove the problematic fastener and replace it with a new screw and nut, here are 3 methods to try out.
rusty nut and bolt

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Why You Should Adopt A Vendor Managed Inventory For Your Fasteners

If you run a project where you intend to use a large number of fasteners such as aluminum hex head cap screws and nylon socket head cap screws on a regular basis, it’s usually imperative that you come up with a planned system for managing their use. Otherwise, you will end up with problems including […]

If you run a project where you intend to use a large number of fasteners such as aluminum hex head cap screws and nylon socket head cap screws on a regular basis, it’s usually imperative that you come up with a planned system for managing their use. Otherwise, you will end up with problems including high expenses on account of fastener misuse. You may also note some problems with supply of the fasteners, such as when you order much fewer quantities than you should have.

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