Maximizing Efficiency & Safety with Retail Store Ergonomics

Retail Store Ergonomics for Maximizing Efficiency & Safety

Posted by
Weber Knapp on Apr 21, 2022 11:23:00 AM

retail store ergonomics

While it might not seem like ergonomics has a place in the retail setting, you’d be surprised. No matter the industry, investing in your workers’ ergonomic comfort can improve your workplace. 

When your employees are operating in a safe, comfortable environment with the proper ergonomic accessories and practices in play, you can increase ROI and avoid expensive insurance claims.


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The Best Position for a Keyboard For Correct Office Ergonomics

Correct Office Ergonomics: What’s the Best Position for a Keyboard?

Posted by
Weber Knapp on Nov 12, 2021 3:45:00 PM

Correct Office Ergonomics - best position for keyboardIf your office or classroom is spending a good portion of its day sitting at a desk and working on a computer, you probably already know how important it is to promote correct office ergonomics. A healthy work lifestyle reduces back, neck, and eye strain, as well as the risk of desk job-related injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.


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5 Hinge Design Guidelines for Medical and Science Equipment

5 Hinge Design Guidelines for Medical and Science Equipment

Posted by
Weber Knapp on May 7, 2021 1:32:22 PM

medical pills industry  factory and production indoor

Heavy-duty hinges are all about doing a job smoothly and repeatedly without compromising the quality of the overall product. Particularly in medical and scientific applications, hinges are critically essential to the continued functionality of often-expensive equipment. 

As a result, there are many hinge design guidelines specific to these industries that can make or (literally) break your project’s success. Below, we’ll discuss five considerations for heavy-duty hinges, and the guidelines that ensure they function perfectly.


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