Seepex Pump Curves: A Comprehensive Guide

When selecting a pump for specific applications, understanding the pump curves is essential. Seepex, a leader in progressive cavity pump technology, provides a range of pump curves that help engineers and operators make informed decisions. This guide will delve into the intricacies of Seepex pump curves, their significance, and how to interpret them effectively.

What Are Pump Curves?

Pump curves are graphical representations that illustrate the performance characteristics of a pump. They typically plot flow rate against pressure or head, showcasing how a pump performs under various conditions. For Seepex pumps, these curves are vital for understanding how the pump will behave in real-world applications.

Importance of Pump Curves

  1. Performance Evaluation: Pump curves allow for the assessment of a pump’s efficiency at different flow rates and pressures.
  2. System Compatibility: By comparing the pump curve with the system requirements, users can determine if the pump is suitable for their specific application.
  3. Operational Insights: They provide insights into potential operational issues, such as cavitation or excessive wear, that may arise under certain conditions.

Understanding Seepex Pump Curves

Seepex provides detailed pump curves that encompass various operational scenarios. Here’s how to read and interpret them:

Key Components of Seepex Pump Curves

  • Flow Rate: This is typically represented on the horizontal axis and indicates the volume of fluid the pump can move over time.
  • Head: The vertical axis shows the total head or pressure that the pump can generate at different flow rates.
  • Efficiency Lines: These lines indicate the pump’s efficiency at various operating points, helping users identify the most efficient flow rate for their application.
  • NPSH Required: The Net Positive Suction Head required is crucial for preventing cavitation and is often indicated on the curve.

Types of Curves

Seepex offers various pump curves tailored to different models and configurations. Here are some common types:

  1. Performance Curves: Show the basic flow vs. head characteristics of the pump.
  2. Efficiency Curves: Highlight the efficiency of the pump at different flow rates, helping users optimize their operations.
  3. NPSH Curves: Indicate the required NPSH for different flows, which is critical for maintaining pump performance.

How to Use Seepex Pump Curves

Utilizing Seepex pump curves effectively involves several steps:

  1. Identify Requirements: Determine the flow rate and pressure required for your application.
  2. Select the Appropriate Curve: Choose the curve that corresponds to the specific Seepex pump model you are considering.
  3. Analyze the Data: Look for the intersection point of your required flow rate and pressure on the curve. This will indicate whether the pump can meet your system’s needs.
  4. Evaluate Efficiency: Check the efficiency lines to find the optimal operating point for energy savings and performance.
  5. Check NPSH: Ensure that the required NPSH is available in your system to prevent cavitation and ensure safe operation.

Common Applications for Seepex Pumps

Seepex pumps are widely used across various industries due to their versatility and reliability. Here are some common applications:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Ideal for pumping sludge and other viscous materials.
  • Food and Beverage: Used for handling food products, ensuring hygiene and safety.
  • Chemical Processing: Effective in transferring corrosive and abrasive fluids.
  • Mining and Minerals: Suitable for transporting slurries and other thick mixtures.


Understanding Seepex pump curves is crucial for anyone involved in the selection and operation of pumps. By grasping the fundamentals of these curves, users can ensure they select the right pump for their needs, optimize performance, and prevent operational issues. Remember, the right pump can make a significant difference in efficiency, cost savings, and overall system reliability. Armed with this comprehensive guide, you are now better equipped to navigate the world of Seepex pump curves and make informed decisions for your applications.