Construction Washers | Copper State Bolt and Nut Co.

Jan 12, 2016

Construction washers are diminutive yet vital components used in several different applications in manufacturing, construction, automotive and other industries. While most of these components are made from metal, non-metallic washers made from nylon are slowly gaining popularity. This is because of the crystalline nature of nylon, excellent heat resistance, and superior physical characteristics of nylon washers.

If you are still wondering whether you should be using nylon construction washers for your next big construction project, here are some facts that you should know about nylon washers:

  1. Durability
    Unlike most metallic construction washers, nylon washers are made of superior strength material that is stiff, tough, and highly durable in most environments. By purchasing nylon washers, you will save yourself the trouble of replacing them after a short time, helping trim down repair and maintenance costs significantly.
  2. Ability To Compress Under Pressure
    The construction industry deals with heavy materials. Because of nylon’s ability to compress under extreme pressure, these plastic rings come in handy. This characteristic makes nylon an ideal sealant under unfavorable environmental conditions while at the same time minimizing the pressure.
  3. Corrosion Resistant
    More often than not, most metal washers show signs of corrosion after only slight contact with a chemical environment. However, you do not have to fret about this with nylon washers. Nylon washers are created from superior material and engineered to be corrosion resistant.
  4. Reduced Surface Friction
    It is excruciating when you have to change components regularly due to wear and tear. When materials rub against each other or on other surfaces, they can easily come apart. However, by using nylon washers you can save yourself the trouble of replacing them on a regular basis. This is because nylon washers have a low coefficient of friction making them resistant to high friction.
  5. Insulating Properties
  6. Insulation is a vital to various forms of construction. And, since nylon washers are excellent insulators, they are very applicable when it comes to insulating electrical parts and temperature sensitive areas as well.
  7. Shock and Noise Absorption
    Plastic components emit less noise. This is attributed to their ability to suck up shocks reducing chatters and vibrations generated by mechanical processes.
  8. Low Cost
    Nylon construction washers are far less expensive than their metal counterparts. Their lightweight also makes them easy to transport.

Copper State Bolt & Nut Company offers a range of construction washers to suit your needs. For more information, contact Copper State today!

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construction washers, nylon construction washers
Category: Construction Accessories