Hand Tools | Copper State Bolt and Nut Co.

Jan 06, 2016

Tackling any major home construction project starts with evaluating the tools you have on hand. When you have the right tools for the job, it becomes a lot easier, and you can avoid mistakes. Here are some hand tools that every homeowner should have hanging in their workshop:

  1. Laser Level – This particular tool has applications for virtually any installation or repair. When hanging drywall, you need to make sure everything lines up to avoid gaps. When putting in cabinets, you need to make sure the boxes are level to avoid items slipping and sliding in your cabinet. A level helps you ensure every installation is straight. What makes a laser level so helpful is that it can show you any issues with a single check. When you use old fashioned water levels, you need to run down the entire installation to make sure there was no slippage. With a laser level you can measure once and be done.
  2. Heat Gun – Heat guns have surprising versatility and add functionality for any job using adhesive. A heat gun applies directed heat at variable settings, so you can melt existing adhesive. This can be valuable as you salvage existing materials and adjust small installation errors. If something isn’t level at the end, you can use the heat gun to soften the adhesive and adjust the placement. Many types of flooring and wall treatments use adhesives for installation.
  3. Wall/Floor Scanner – Remember stud finders? Well, these nifty handheld devices find a lot more than just studs. You can locate ferrous and non-ferrous metals, live wiring and plastic pipes, all at a 6″ depth. This makes finding where to drop and anchor or where to cut a hole substantially easier.
  4. Clamp Gun – Installing wiring can be challenging, but with a clamp gun you can easily reach and secure wires. A wide jaw is a must, so you can work with large conductors.

Basic hand tools might be enough for simple tasks like hanging a picture frame, but when you are tackling a major home repair, having these more substantial tools in your kit makes everything run more smoothly. Professional tools will help you create professional looking installations and repairs.

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Category: Hand Tools