Side Socket Swivel Tap | Review

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Side Socket Swivel Outlet Adapter

Yes, it’s one of those “On TV” things that caught our eye while wandering the aisles of Target. Interesting, but does it really work? Could I use it in the shop? Am I stupidly throwing good beer money out the window? Why am I so drawn to gadgety things like this? Who are all these voices in my head? What can I say…I like gadgets – especially those that end up working.

Side SocketNot to be confused with the ‘original’ Swivel Tap with Surge Protection, the Side Socket has only one swiveling set of sockets, but gets the job done just the same. And it has built-in surge protection, although I wouldn’t buy it for that feature anyway. No, the beauty of this device is that it allows me to clean up some cord clutter in the shop.Side Socket

Electrical Cord Clutter Problem

My issue was that cords plugged into the sockets along the back wall tended to get in the way of other things I needed in that area. Plus, since there were only 2 sockets, I was constantly unplugging one tool to plug another in and, well…you get the picture. Yup, I’m a little lazy when it comes to that sort of thing, so I figured I might have found a solution.

Side Socket

The $10 Solution

By installing (OK, plugging in is more accurate) the Side Socket in this area, I tripled socket availability and can now direct cords in a more convenient manner. Now before you go scolding me for having to much draw on the circuit, let me explain that these are not tools I use concurrently. I may have a palm sander and a vacuum in use at the same time, but generally nothing that takes more than hands to operate.

Side SocketSide Socket

Side Socket Conclusion

I try to never take life or gadgets too seriously. They’re both supposed to be fun, right? This just happens to be a useful, helpful gadget – at least so far.

Side Socket

While I’m generally suspect of things I find with the “On TV” label on them – they tend to not work at all or give out shortly after purchase – I think the Side Socket may have found a place in the shop. I’ll let you know how long it lasts, but for $10, it’s an experiment that won’t cut deeply into the beer fund.

Check price/availability on Amazon: CLICK HERE

For more information from the manufacturer: CLICK HERE