Egg carving using Eternal Tools Tungsten Carbide Burrs and Radial Bristle Polishing Discs

Anthony Bell produced this beautiful egg carving using our Small Tungsten carbide Burrs. To create the different shapes he used a Carbide Bur Cone with Round Head and a Carbide Cylinder with Round Head held in a hobby drill.

The egg was turned from a piece of hawthorn on his lathe, hollowed out in two halves, pierced then glued back together and polished off using our Radial bristle discs.

He then polished the intricate and delicate egg by using 3 x Red Radial Disc polishers on a mandrel. These radial discs are ideal for this kind of work because of the flexible bristles.

Beautiful work I think you’ll agree.

To see examples of Egg Shell carving’s come and take a look at our Egg Carving Pinterest board