More Than a Door

What does your door mean to you?

Some may say a door means protection against dangerous intruders. Others might say a door keeps small critters outside, meaning spider-free peace of mind. A mother may think of opening the door for her newborn’s first visit home, while fathers likely remember a knock on the door from their daughter’s first boyfriend. Whether you define your door with peace of mind, a sense of security or loving family memories, at BetterDoor, it’s more than just a door and components. It’s your home. It’s every hello and goodbye. It’s the family you keep safely inside. We love doors and everything it means to you, so creating better door experiences is our obsession – it’s even in our name.


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From Problem Door to Better Door

Whether it’s light around your door, large gaps, old wood sills, or warping doors, BetterDoor has better door solutions to help solve these issues. In this blog post, follow along as we tackle a 1968 front door and update it with all new components. Follow along to find out how we went from this problem door to a better door with the help of products available on


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What Type of Door Sill do I Need?

Before you decide which sill is the best replacement for your door system, keep in mind that replacing a sill system can be tricky and even dangerous, so we’d highly recommend hiring a professional to ensure that your sill is replaced effectively and safely. Now, here’s what you need to know before you pick out your next sill system!


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Protect Your Doors & Home From These Cold Weather Woes

Cool Weather Problems

Fall is (finally) here, and while we couldn’t be more excited about cooler weather, changing leaves, and upcoming holidays, autumn is also the time to start prepping your home for winter. The time to brace your home against cold winds, ice, and other wintery weather is now. Protecting your home from uncomfortable drafts, cracking materials, and exorbitant heating bills starts with your doors. Here are some common issues to look for before winter settles in.


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Door Frame Rot 101


Door frame rot. It’s slow and imperceptible, only showing once it’s far too late. Moisture at the corner of a door system can work a number on an exterior wood door frame if it isn’t designed to combat it. We’ve compiled a few helpful tips for preventing door frame rot, saving time and money in the future.


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